Wissenschaftliche Artikel über Entstehung und Chancen bei Krebs:

Artikel der Heidelberger Prospektiven Interventionsstudie zum Thema Krebs


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Eysenck, H. J.: Cancer, Personality and Stress: Prediction and Prevention. Advances in Behavior Research and Therapy 1994;16:167-215.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Baastians, J.; Kanazir, D. T.: Psychosocial factors as strong predictors of mortality from cancer, ischaemic heart disease and stroke. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 29 (1995), 167-176.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Social psychotherapy and course of disease. First experiments with cancer patients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 33/3 (1980).

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Synergetic effects of cigarette smoking, systolic blood pressure, and psychosocial risk factors for lung cancer, cardiac infarct and apoplexy cerebri. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 34 (1980), 267-272.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Krankheit als Biographie. Ein medizinsoziologisches Modell der Krebsentstehung und -therapie. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch. 1979.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.; Everitt, B.: Personality, stress, smoking and genetic predisposition as synergistic risk factors for cancer and coronary heart disease. Integrative Physiological and Behavioural Science 26 (1991), 309-322.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Prevention of cancer and coronary heart disease and the reduction in the cost of the National Health Service. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 14 (1989), 25-47.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Vetter, H.: Lebensverändernde Ereignisse, psychosoziale Disposition und Krankheitsausbruch bei Krebspatienten. Abschlußbericht an die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Heidelberg 1980.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Vetter, H.: Psychosoziale Faktoren für die Krebserkrankung. Darstellung einer retrospektiven Studie. Zeitschrift für Analyse, Prävention und Therapie psychosozialer Konflikte und Krankheiten 1 (1981), 108-125.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Siegrist, J.; Vetter, H.: Interpersonal repression as a predictor of cancer. Social Science and Medicine 16 (1982), 493-498.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Kanazir, D. T.; Schmidt, P.; Vetter, H.: Psychosomatic factors in the progress of cancerogenesis, Theoretical models and empirical results. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 38 (1982), 284-302.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Frentzel-Beyme, R.; Becker, N.: Cancer risk accociated with life events and conflict solution. Cancer Detection and Prevention 7 (1984), 201-209.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Kanazir, D. T., Schmidt, P.; Vetter, H.: Psychosocial and organic variables as predictors of lung cancer, cardiac infarct and apoplexy: Some differential predictors. Personality and Individual Differences 6 (1985), 313-321.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Kanazir, D. T., Vetter, H., & Schmidt, P.: Psychosomatic factors involved in the process of cancerogenesis – Preliminary results of the Yugoslav Prospective Study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 40 (1983), 191-120.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Schmidt, P., Vetter, H., & Arndt, S.: Psychotherapy research in oncology. In A. Steptoe & A. Matthews (eds.), Health care and human behavior. New York: Academic Press (1984).

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Eysenck, H. J. & Barrett, P.: Prediction of cancer and coronary heart disease as a function of method of questionnaire administration. Psychological Reports 73 (1993), 943-959.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Der systemische Charakter ausgewählter Krebserkrankungen. Deskriptive Ergebnisse der Heidelberger Prospektiven Interventionsstudie 1973-1988. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie. 26/4 (1994), 85-102.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., & Eysenck, H. J.: Self-regulation and mortality from cancer, coronary heart disease, and other causes: A prospective study. Personality and Individual Differences Volume, No. 6 (1994), 781-795.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Frentzel-Beyme, R., Kanazir, D. T., Jankovic, M., & Vetter, H.: Reported herpes virus-infection, fever and cancer incidence in a prospective study. Journal of Chronic Disease 40 (1987), 967-976.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Eysenck, H. J., Vetter, H., & Schmidt, P.: Psychosocial types and chronic diseases: Results of the Heidelberg prospective psychosomatic intervention study. In S. Maes, C. D. Spielberger, P. B. Defares. & I. G. Sarason (eds.), Topics in Health Psychology. New York: Wiley 1988.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Eysenck, H. J., & Vetter, H.: Personality type, smoking habit and their interaction as predictors of cancer and coronary heart disease. Personality and Individual Differences 9 (1988), 479-495.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Disposition, Exposition, Verhaltensmuster, Organvorschädigung und Stimulierung des zentralen Nervensystems in der Ätiologie des Bronchial-, Magen- und Leberkarzinoms. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 21 (1989), 62-78

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Creative novational behaviour in the prevention of cancer and coronary heart disease. 2nd International Montreux Congress on Stress. Montreux, Switzerland, November 1989.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Coffee-drinking and personality as factors in the genesis of cancer and coronary heart disease. Neuropsychobiology 23 (1990), 153-159.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Prophylactic effects of psychoanalysis on cancer-prone and coronary heart disease-prone probands, as compared with control groups and behaviour therapy groups. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 21 (1990), 91-99.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Psychological factors in the prognosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of cancer and coronary heart disease. Directions in Psychiatry 9 (1990), 2-7.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Personality, smoking and alcohol as synergistic risk factors for cancer of the mouth and pharynx. Psychological Reports 67 (1990), 1024-1026.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck; H. J.; Uhlenbruck; G.; Rieder; H.; Vetter; H.; Freesemann; C.; Rakic; L.; Gallasch; G.; Kanazir; D. T.; Liesen, H.: Sports activity and personality as elements in preventing cancer and coronary heart disease. Perceptual and Motor Skills 71 (1990), 199-209.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Personality, stress and disease: description and validation of an new inventory. Psychological Reports 66 (1990), 355-373.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Krebs und Psyche. Referat, gehalten auf der wissenschaftlichen Sitzung der Berliner Röntgen-Gesellschaft e. V. gemeinsam mit dem Tumorzentrum Berlin am 11.12.1990.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Die Bedeutung des Verhaltensmusters in der Entstehung und Prognose von Krebserkrankungen. (1991) In K. F. Klippel (Hrsg.), Aktive Tumornachsorge: Psychologische Führung, medikamentöse Betreuung, berufliche Integration. Kongressband, IV. Stuttgarter Immuntherapie-Symposium vom 21.-22. September 1990.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Personality, stress and motivational factors in drinking as determinant of risk for cancer and coronary heart disease. Psychological Reports 69 (1991), 1027-1093.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Creative novation behaviour therapy as a prophylactic treatment for cancer and coronary heart disease: Part I – Description of treatment. Behaviour Research and Therapy 29 (1991), 1-16.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Prevalence and etiology of psychological problems in cancer patients. In A. Seva et al. (eds.), The European Handbook of Psychotherapy and Mental Health. Vol. II, 1392-1396. Barcelona: Anthropos 1991.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.; Gallasch, G.; Vetter, H.; Frentzel-Beyme, R.: Changes in degree of sclerosis as a function of prophylactic treatment in cancer-prone and CHD-prone probands. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 29 (1991), 343-351.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Personality and cancer: Prediction and prophylaxis, In F. Nygaard & A. C.  Upton (eds.), Anticarcinogenesis and radiation protection, 2. New York: Plenum 1991.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.; Rakic, L.: Central nervous system and cancer. In F. Nygaard (ed.), Anticarcinogenesis and radiation: Strategies in protection from radiation and cancer. New York: Plenum 1991.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.;  Eysenck, H. J.; Vetter, H.; Frentzel-Beyme, R.: The Heidelberg prospective intervention study. In W. J. Eylenbosch, A. M. Depoorter & N. van Lerebeke (eds.) Primary prevention of cancer. New York: Raven 1988

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Eysenck, H. J.: Psychological Factors in the Treatment of Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease In: Issues in Modern Therapy. New York: Hatherleigh Press 1996.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Eysenck, H. J.; Pfeifer, A.; Schmidt, P.; Koppel, G.: The specific action of different personality risk factors on cancer of the breast, cervix, corpus uteri and other types of cancer: A prospective investigation. Person. individ. Diff. Vol. 23,  No. 6 (1997), 649-960.

Grossarth-Maticek R, Eysenck HJ, Boyle GJ, Heep J, Costa SD, Diel IJ. Interaction of psychosocial and physical risk factors in the causation of mammary cancer, and its prevention through psychological methods of treatment. J Clin Psychol 2000 Jun;56(6):829.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H. J.: Self-Regulation and Mortality from Cancer, Coronary Heart Disease and other Causes: A Prospective Study. Person. indiv. Diff., Vol. 19., No. 6 (1995), 781-195.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Eysenck, H.J.; Boyle, G.J.: Method of test administration as a factor in test validity: the use of a personality questionnaire in the prediction of cancer and coronary heart disease. Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 33, No. 6 (1995), 705-710.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.; Heller, W. D.: Precursor lesions of the GI tract and psychosocial risk factors for prediction and prevention of gastric cancer. Cancer Detection and Prevention 13 (1988), 23-29.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Vetter, H.: Gottesbeziehung, Gesamtüberleben und Lebens­qualität bei Krebspatienten im multifaktoriellen Zusammenhang. Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Interventionsstudie. Wege zum Menschen, 63. Jg., H. 6., November/ Dezember 2011, S. 577 – 595.

Grossarth-Maticek, R., Glücklich gesund durch lustbetonte Selbstregulation – Mein Autonomietraining. Wege zum Menschen, 65. Jg., H. 5, September/Oktober 2013, S. 383 – 403.

Grossarth-Maticek, R.: Methoden, Theorie und Ergebnisse zur Erforschung chronischer Erkrankungen und Aufrechterhaltung der Gesundheit. Vortrag gehalten auf der Plenarsitzung der JAPAN PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY SOCIETY am 20.09.2013 in Osaka.

Grossarth-Maticek: Methoden und Ergebnisse der Heidelberger systemisch-multikausalen Forschung: Aus: Godina B (Hrsg.): Systemisch finale Intelligenz. Theoretische Übergangskonzept auf dem Weg von der Intelligenz zur Weisheit, Springer Verlag, 2018, S. 211-247.

Rakic Lj, Grossarth-Maticek R, Popov I. The Central Nervous System and Cancer – Monoamine Hypothesis. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie, 1994; 26 (6):150-157.

Grossarth-Maticek, R. / Godina, B. / Matyk, M.: AUTONOMY_AND_IMAGINATION_TRAINING_BASIS. Center for Empirical Studies of Religion (CEIR), 2024.